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Our Ministries/ Auxiliaries

Whether you are looking FOR help or you are looking TO help, we have a ministry for everyone and every need.

Our Deacons​

The Deacon board assists the Pastor in the spiritual direction of the church. 

Chairman: Deacon Harvey Horton

* Co-Chairman: Deacon Ronald Johnson

Deacon Este Hodge

Deacon Curtis Borkin

Deacon Roger Kittrell

Deacon Alfonza Cameron

Deacon Ronald  Johnson

Deacon Singleton McGeachy

Deacon Joseph Bellamy Jr.

The Newcomers Committee is responsible for assuring all new members get the proper information about the workings of the Church. They are responsible for making new member feel welcome and trained in the ways of the Church. New Members Orientation will be in March, May, and August.

Newcomers Committee
Our Trustees​

The Trustee board assist the Pastor in making decisions concerning the business and financial aspect of ministry in the church.  They function to serve as stewards of the church, its property and assets.

Chairman: Trustee Clifton Wright

* Co-Chairman: Trustee Roscoe White

Trustee Alex Allen

Trustee Edrice Keith

Trustee Derrick Whitley

Trustee james McKeithan

Trustee Levi Jones

Trustee Milton Privette

Trustee Billy Hinton

Trustee Hampton Bunch

Trustee Marshelle Simmons

The Pastor's Anniversary Committee is totally responsible for a week of services honoring our Pastor for services during the years.


Chairman: Eldress Belinda McKoy 

Outreach Ministry
Lincoln Park Holiness Church spports the community through Narcotics Anonymous, " We Do Recover Group". The group is comprised of experienced members with an open door policy. Our church opens its doors and property for this group to allow a safe place to bond with others in recovery. All are welcome Saturdays from 5:30 PM - 6:30 PM.
Coordinator: Bro. Marshelle Simmons
Sunday School
Please join us at 9:30  every Sunday
For this dynamic part of education. For all ages in the Biblical Instruction.
Superintendent: Trustee Levi Jones
Asst. Superintendent:  Deacon J. Bellamy Jr.
Women's Adult Class: Sis. Chandullal Ratclff
                                             Sis. Deborah Hunter
Men's Class:  Elder Demetrius Hunter
                            Minister Antwone Evans

Prison Ministry

This Ministry sponsors ladies from North Carolina Correctional Center as Community Volunteers, and aid them in becoming productive citizens by offering spiritual guidance and connecting them to resources before and after release.

Eldress Belinda McKoy

Sis. Rebecca McDuffie

Usherboard/First Aide Ministry

The Usher board is responsible for maintaining orderliness in the church services. They are responsible for delivering church bulletins and directions for seating. 


President:  Sis. Carolyn Smith

Vice- President: Sis  Sherron Hinton

Missionary Department

The Missionary Department is responsible for taking care of the needs of the members of the church who are sick, shut-in, or have fallen on hard times. all members are part of the Missionary Department.


President: Sis. Vera Sauls

Vice President: Sis. Sherron Hinton

Flower Committee

The Flower Committee is responsible for all the floral arrangement for all occasions in the  church including sick and deceased.

Chair-person:  Sis. Lillie Walker

Co- Chair: Sis. Pamela Haynes

Men's Day Committee

The Men's Day Committee is responsible for all activities during the Men's Day Celebration.

Chair-person: Bro. Leon Foster

Co-Chair: Bro. Randy Clark

Benevolence Committee

The Benevolence Committee is responsible for giving assistance to the bereaved families and members.

Homecoming Committee

The Homecoming Committee  is responsible for all day celebration of Homecoming Festivities. Homecoming is the 3rd Sunday in November.


Co-Chairperson: Sis. Lynette Barber

Church Transportation

 Deacon Este Hodge

Deacon Harvey Horton

Deacon Roger Kittrell

Pastor's Aid Committee

The Pastor's Aid Committee is responsible for making sure the Pastor has everything he needs to function. All members are a part of the Pastors Aid.

Women' Day

The Women's Day Committee is responsible for all activities during the Women's Day Celebration. 

13 Heath Street Raleigh, NC 27610  Phone:919-322-2009

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