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In Memory of Bishop Eli Ratcliff, Jr

Our Bishop was not only the pastor of Lincoln Park, but the leader of the Truevine Assembly.  Not only was he a wonderful and caring father to his own children but a surrogate father for hundreds more.  He and his wife, First Lady Margaret N Ratcliff, are Raleigh, NC residents...

here's what our members think:

"God's speed, Today I will say my final good bye to Superman. No, not the character you have become familiar with who is dressed in blue and red. Rather my beloved Pastor, Bishop Eli Ratcliff Jr. Bishop Ratcliff has been has been pastor of Lincoln Park Holiness church for more than 55 years. But that is not the reason I call him Superman.. While Clark Kent was said to be faster than a speeding bullet. Bishop Ratcliff was faster in forgiving transgression all humans make. Clark Kent, was lauded for being more powerful than a locomotive. Bishop Ratcliff, had the power to bring men to GOD and to change lives. Clark Kent supposedly could leap tall buildings in a single bound. Bishop Ratcliff could hurdle any obstacle that got in his way of helping people. Clark Kent came from the planet Krypton. Bishop Ratcliff without a doubt was Heaven sent. 
But today I have the honor to be a pallbearer for the real Superman. An esteemed position that I will cherish and regret at the same time, because Bishop Ratcliff was so much more than Superman. So much more than a Bishop. So much more than a Pastor. He was a FATHER to hundreds, perhaps thousands of men and women who did not have have fathers in their lives. I am glad to say that I am included in that number. So, today we (the children of Eli Ratcliff Jr.) will say good bye to Superman, our Bishop, our Pastor, our Father."  -Stephen Hunter, Deacon


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13 Heath Street Raleigh, NC 27610  Phone:919-322-2009

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